Supported online programmes based on somatic therapy, neuroscience and compassion

Anne Cheshire, SEP, MNIMH, Somatic Experiencing® trauma therapist and coach


Somatic programmes to help you feel good, and make the right decisions in life

Scroll down for free video series and cheat sheets including managing morning anxiety, dealing with anxious thinking loops, how to stand up for what you want and say "no" like a pro, avoiding the biggest mistakes in decision-making, and changing the way you feel about money.


Connect with your sense of self

Use this short programme to come back to that feeling of wholeness, without inner conflict, doubt or self-sabotage, so you can feel at home in yourself.


Go from anxious and antsy to calm and confident

Experience feeling good in your own skin again, and ditch panic and overwhelm, with our short programme Calm, Confident Brain.


Discover making decisions which are absolutely right for you and carry them out with full confidence

Find your purpose with this programme, and deal with inner conflict, boundaries, and the unconscious brain, so you can make the right decisions, and feel inspired, motivated and fulfilled.

See Making Great LIfe Decisions here

Helping you take charge of your life

I'm Anne Cheshire, SEP, MNIMH, here in the beautiful city of Edinburgh. I'm a Somatic Experiencing trauma therapist and also a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists.  My expertise is in helping people find their purpose, deal with inner conflict, and overcome anxiety and self-doubt, so they can discover what they want to do with their lives, make the right decisions and take action with deep confidence.  

I'm a mum, a linguist, a medical herbalist, I've owned exercise studios (I still teach barre!), and I've been a secondary school teacher.  I have witnessed deep, irrational anxiety everywhere I have worked, in families and in corporate situations, and I know what it takes to be able to let go of that. 

I have been a trauma therapist since 2009, and I've worked with thousands of clients and patients in one-to-one therapy, seeing them go from anxious and antsy to calm and confident, discover purpose, make great decisions, and do what they want to do in life. 

What I have found is that it is not just about knowing rationally what to do, but about getting the unconscious brain to support us in that.  And you don't have to have one-to-one therapy for that!

Here are some of the signs that our unconscious brain is trying to keep us safe, but is stopping us from feeling free.  We feel: 

  • bamboozled by life
  • overwhelmed by events and circumstances
  • anxious, not coping very well
  • not able to make decisions
  • losing sight of where we want to be going
  • not knowing who we are any more
  • feeling stuck with no way out
  • frightened to change
  • mildly envious of other people who seem to be so happy in life, and just do what they want

If this is you, I can help you.  Rooted in clinical experience in my field of expertise (trauma therapy, Somatic Experiencing®,  and neuroscience-based therapy) my system helps anyone with an unconscious part of the brain (that's you and me!) gain calm, confidence, purpose and motivation, so they can make great life decisions and be empowered to take action.  I've been on that journey myself, and I'm here to be with you on your's. 

You're welcome to take any or all of the freebies below, join me in my short programme Calm, Confident Brain, or let me accompany you in the deep dive, the fully supported Making Great Life Decisions programme.  

The Calm, Confident Brain

The short online programme for anxiety.  

Over years of working in trauma and somatic therapy, one-to-one with thousands of clients from all walks of life, and from all over the world, (as well as overcoming my own anxiety), one thing has become crystal clear:  It's the unconscious brain which regulates our levels of calm and confidence, WHATEVER the circumstances.  And you can discover how to change your unconscious brain without years of expensive one-to-one therapy.  This is my first area of expertise, the totally practical, neuroscience-based and somatics approach to calm and confidence.

With this programme you will be able to

  • Deal with overwhelm, panic, and emotional storms.
  • Calm your unconscious brain activation, so you can feel calm and in charge.  
  • Soothe, regulate and even repair the unconscious brain's fight,  flight and freeze
  • Feel good in your own skin
  • Build confidence and switch on clarity so you can think and feel clearly, and make better decisions.

Click here to discover more

'The Calm, Confident Brain' is a somatics and neuroscience based programme.  You can use what you learn in this programme to calm your brain and its reactions to both stress and everyday life, whatever the circumstances.  It's only £120, one time payment, and access is forever.

Learn the quick and easy tools for a calm, confident brain £120

My expertise: you feel deep-down confidence in who you are

Go from anxiety, panic and overwhelm to calm, confidence and courage

My passion:  you discover your purpose and direction in life

Find motivation with a future in total alignment with who you are, deep down inside.

My mission:  you make the right life decisions for you

Decide what's right for you, and get on track with unstoppable, step by step plans.

Making Great Life Decisions, the deep dive programme for taking charge of your life

Ready for a deep dive ?  This is the programme for you to connect with your sense of self and your gut instinct, discover how to achieve what you want with your life, and with a calm confident brain, get both the rational mind and the unconscious brain on the same page, working together, so you can find your direction and purpose, deal with inner conflict, make really good decisions, and carry them out without procrastination, fear, doubt or self-sabotage

We start right from the very beginning, even if you are thinking "I don't even know what I want".  Follow along with the simple, step-by-step techniques and activities, using somatic therapy and the power of neuroscience-based brain hacks, to feel calm and confident and discover a life which is totally aligned with who you are.  To explore more about this fully supported programme, click here.

Making Great Life Decisions from £1995